I know that no one cares about other people’s fantasy football teams, but I’m posting the results of my drafts anyway.
League #1 - 10 teams; #10 pick in a serpentine draft:
QB Donovan McNabb (Round 5, #50 pick overall)
RB Brian Westbrook (1, 10)
RB Rudi Johnson (2, 11)
Flex Carnell “Cadillac” Williams (6, 51)
WR Torry Holt (3, 30)
WR Reggie Wayne (4, 31)
TE Kellen Winslow (7, 70)
DEF Miami Dolphins (11, 110)
K Josh Scobee (16, 151)
RB Fred Taylor (8, 71)
WR Jericho Cotchery (9, 90)
WR Vincent Jackson (10, 91)
QB Eli Manning (12, 111)
WR D.J. Hackett (13, 130)
WR Reuben Droughns (14, 131)
TE Tony Scheffler (15, 150)
I really like this team, assuming that McNabb stays healthy and Holt’s knee is OK. If not, I have terrific depth at the wide receiver position, so I may be able to upgrade my team later in the season through a trade.
League #2 – 16 teams; #15 pick in a serpentine draft:
QB Eli Manning (6, 82)
RB Brian Westbrook (1, 15)
RB Willis McGahee (2, 18)
Flex LaMont Jordan (5, 79)
WR T.J. Houshmandzadeh (3, 47)
WR Greg Jennings (7, 111)
TE Tony Gonzalez (4, 50)
DEF Minnesota Vikings (11, 175)
K Mike Nugent (15, 239)
WR D.J. Hackett (8, 114)
WR Drew Bennett (9, 143)
QB Jake Delhomme (10, 146)
WR Derrick Mason (12, 178)
TE David Martin (13, 207)
RB Brian Leonard (14, 210)
I don’t like this team nearly as much. This is my fifth year in this league, and 16 teams are just insane. Part-way through the middle rounds, you see names that you don’t recognize. There is very little depth, especially at the QB and RB positions. Plus, waiting 29 spots before my next pick is painful. Quarterbacks go way too early in this league, so when I drafted Eli Manning, he really was the best QB available. I also selected Tony Gonzalez much sooner than I would in other leagues since there are receiving bonuses for tight ends at 50 yards receiving and a point per catch for wide receivers and tight ends. Overall, I am really relying on Brian Westbrook this season.
I was also invited to participate in a 14-team fantasy league through Mondesi’s House, but I won’t post my team here. (The draft took place last night; I did not have the #2 pick, which "Raul" mentioned in today's post.) Any regular reader of that site may find it funny that my first week match is against Adam, the Penn State fan. I really want to win, even though I've established that I can never win an argument with him.
My final draft for a league run by Pav at Scribbled Noise takes place over the weekend. I think I need to auto-draft that one.
For those of you who have made it this far, thank you. I’ll try not to write too much about my fantasy football teams over the next few months. I will, however, post my television death pool picks over the next few days.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Fantasy Football Draft Recaps
Posted by
6:03 PM
Labels: Fantasy Football
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
This is my busiest time of year, but has nothing to do with work or social activities. I am currently spending any free time with fantasy sports. My first of four fantasy football league drafts took place last night (Gobo has a brief recap), and I’m gearing up for the final month of the fantasy baseball league season for my two leagues. While four fantasy football leagues are probably a bit excessive, I only truly care about two of them. Actually, I take that back; I can be competitive so I care about all four, but I’m only really focusing on two of the four. As for baseball, I’m currently in third place out of twelve teams in both leagues. It does not look promising for a championship in either league. Have I mentioned that I hate Dontrelle Willis?
Over the past few days, I also spent time researching television shows for the upcoming season for the Alison LaPlaca Open TV Death Pool. I’ve selected my ten shows, which I will share here soon. As a reminder, the deadline to sign up for the LaPlaca Open is August 31, 2007 at 11:59 PM EDT.
Finally, I was recently interviewed for an article about the business of fantasy sports, which should be available any day now. While I’m not going to link the article here (if you want the link, e-mail me at seanramblings at yahoo[dot]com), I’m a little scared to see how my fantasy obsession is portrayed in print by someone who has never met me.
Posted by
9:56 PM
Labels: Alison LaPlaca Open, Dontrelle Willis, Fantasy Baseball Fantasy Football, Ted Marshall Open
Joe Chiodo 1918-2007
The owner and operator of the historic Chiodo’s Tavern in Homestead, Pennsylvania died earlier this week. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has a thorough obituary, but I just wanted to share the story of my one and only visit to Chiodo’s. In the summer of 1996, after just turning 21, I interned at my Congressman’s office. When not handling phone calls from angry and/or crazy constituents, I played on the office softball team. We split two matches against the local fire department’s softball team in preparation for the big match against the Senator’s softball team. (As a complete tangent, a few of the firemen hated playing against me. Even though I was the smallest guy on the team and had no power, I consistently reached based on bloop hits, “seeing-eye” singles and errors. This is one of my proudest post-high school athletic accomplishments.) When we finally faced the Senator’s team, we were prepared and completely dominated them 17-6. (Unfortunately, it took about ten years until this Senator lost this badly again.)
This is a really long story just to write that we all went to Chiodo’s after the game. What a cool place! I avoided the “Mystery Sandwich,” but remember having good food and relatively inexpensive beer. Actually, I think the losing team paid, so that made the food and drinks even better. Chiodo’s closed over two years ago, and I never made it back after my first visit. There are/were not many bars with as much history and character as Chiodo’s.
Posted by
7:41 AM
Labels: Chiodo's
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I’m calling you out Delaware! Well, note the entire state, just the small portion on Interstate 95. Even though the highway only goes through the state for about 10 miles, why is there always traffic and construction? Plus, why are the prices in the Delaware House Travel Plaza so high? Over the weekend, I bought a 7 oz. bag of Combos plus a 25 oz. bottled water. While the $1.79 price for the water is not too bad, the $3.99 cost for Combos is extravagant. Even worse is the fact that the store didn’t label the Combos price, so I didn’t know the cost until check out. With a line of a dozen people behind me, I really couldn’t exchange the Combos for a $2.50 small bad of Cool Ranch Doritos, which I already decided against because of the high price. As a comparison, an 8.8 oz bag of Combos cost $1.99 at CVS.
I’m heading back through Delaware on 95 in a few weeks, so I’m going to give the state a chance to redeem itself.
As a side note, how many millions of dollars does Delaware earn through tolls on 95? It seems like that could be a significant part of the state’s economy.
Posted by
7:36 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Worst Song Ever?
Whenever there is a discussion about the worst song ever, two songs are generally involved: “We Built This City” by Starship and “Achy Breaky Heart” by Billy Ray Cyrus. Personally, I have pretty good memories for both songs. When I was in elementary school, a friend and I thought the title should have been We Built This City on Rotten Rolls (this was very funny at the age of 10). Plus, I’ll always have a soft spot for Achy Breaky Heart because Myron Cope did a parody of the song. Anyway, I’ve gone off topic. I have a new nominee for worst song ever: “I Did Yo Boyfriend” by Melody.
Haven’t heard the song or the artist? You’re not alone, and I hope that you never do. I happened to hear this song on the radio last night, but through my internet search have had difficulty finding the lyrics or anything about the song. The artist is Melody, who has a MySpace page encouraging people to call radio station to request the song. As for the song, take the tune of “I Heard It Through the Grapevine,” change the lyrics, and there you go. Here’s the chorus:
Oooh, I did yo boyfriend
She didn’t know how to please him
Shorty, Oooh I did yo boyfriend
And you won’t ever get him back again.
Shorty, Shorty oooh
I did yo boyfriend, now your boyfriend’s goin be my baby
It gets worse. Here is part of the non-singing part of the song:
“Some things just ain’t meant to be
Like Bobby and Whitney
Like J-Lo and Diddy
Live Vivaca and Fifty
Like Kevin and Britney”
”I look better than you
I cook better than you
I dress better than you
And I sex better than you"
If you really, really want to hear this terrible song, it’s playing on Melody’s MySpace page. You have been warned!
Posted by
7:42 AM
Labels: Billy Ray Cyrus, I Did Yo Boyfriend, Melody, Myron Cope, Starship, Worst Song Ever
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Seeking Book Suggestions
Every few months, I ask for new book suggestions since I tend to go through books rather quickly during my bus and Metro commute. Today is one of those days. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment or e-mail me at seanramblings at yahoo [dot] com.
Of course, asking for book suggestions can be vague since you probably have no idea what I like to read. Therefore, here is a list of books I have read over the past few months, which I hope will help:
- The Harry Potter series
- “Can I Keep My Jersey? 11 Teams, 5 Countries, and 4 Years in My Life as a Basketball Vagabond” by Paul Shirley
- "Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas" by Chuck Klosterman
Actually, I can't remember what I read before I started to re-read the Harry Potter series. I'm also a big fan of David Halberstam, Kurt Vonnegut and Nick Hornby. Thanks for your help!
Posted by
7:13 AM
Labels: Chuck Klosterman, David Halberstam, Harry Potter, Kurt Vonnegut, Nick Hornby, Paul Shirley
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
McCormick and Schmick’s Gift Certificate
Make an online reservation at the McCormick & Schmick’s website before Friday (August 24) and receive a $25 gift certificate to any of the M&S restaurants. There are more details on the website, but this is a real deal. The only catch I have found is that only one coupon can be used per table.
In other food news, I used my first free burrito coupon at California Tortilla last night. Only 51 coupons left!
Posted by
6:57 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Jenna Bush Wedding Plans
You probably heard the recent news that Jenna Bush got engaged to University of Virginia graduate student Henry Hager. For no apparent reason, I thought it would be fun to see how the wedding planning is going:
Laura Bush: For an event this big, we need a wedding planner who can coordinate so many aspects of the big day while making sure that this stays a private affair.
President George Bush: I know the perfect person, Karl Rove. Now that he’s resigned, I know he is looking for something to do. He is the architect, so he can put together a great wedding at a decent cost.
Jenna Bush: That’s fine as long as he doesn’t dance or try to rap at the reception.
Laura: I’ll talk to him, honey. We really need to discuss the guest list. Do we need to invite ALL of these world leaders?
George: Well, Tony Blair is a must. He was fantastic in The Simpsons episode a few years ago.
Laura: I agree, but since he’s not the Prime Minister anymore, do we also have to invite Gordon Brown?
George: Yeah, I guess so, but he’s not as much fun as Nicolas Sarkozy. I really had a great time with him in New Hampshire, and I can’t wait to ride our bikes together in France.
Jenna: He was so cute on the boat too.
Laura: Do we also need to invite Jacques Chirac? You did work together for over six years.
George: Let’s put him on the list for now, but if we need to make cuts later, he’s the first to go.
Jenna: Can we invite Colin Powell? He was always so nice to me.
George: Well, we haven’t talked in three years, so he’s a no for now. Rummy is a must, and so is Paul Wolfowitz, even though that World Bank gig didn’t really work out for him.
Jenna: We can’t invite Wolfowitz. He’s weird!
George: I’m the deciderer! Wolfowitz gets invited.
Laura: Jenna, we can put him in the table in the back corner. You won’t even see him.
Jenna: Fine. Daddy, to celebrate the engagement, Dick [Cheney] wants to take Henry out quail hunting. I don’t want Henry to go with him.
George: I’ll see what I can do. I wonder if we can get a government contract for Halliburton to arrange the flowers. That could solve the problem.
This discussion will probably continue for the next few months. I wonder if President Bush can get arrange for Jenna to get first dibs at Filene Basement’s Running of the Brides.
Posted by
6:32 AM
Labels: Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Filene Basement's Running of the Brides, George Bush, Gordon Brown, Jacques Chirac, Jenna Bush, Laura Bush, Nicolas Sarkozy, Paul Wolfowitz, Tony Blair
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Steelers-Redskins Recap
The Steelers defeated the Washington Redskins 12-10 in an almost meaningless preseason game last night. There are two reasons why I wrote the word almost before meaningless. First, the Redskins suffered injuries to two of their key players, quarterback Jason Campbell and linebacker Marcus Washington. The headline to this morning’s Washington Post article states “Redskins Escape with a Bruise,” so it sounds like Campbell’s injury is not too serious. Second, and more important for me, I got stuck in pre-game traffic on the Beltway on my drive to Baltimore. The traffic added at least 30 minutes to the trip.
As for the rest of the game, I only watched a few minutes. As I’ve written before, I really don’t care about the preseason. It sounds like I didn’t miss much as neither team was particularly happy with their performance. The Redskins have concerns about their running game and offensive line. The Steelers offense struggled and the defense had difficulty stopping the Redskins on third down. Just let me know when the real season starts.
Posted by
6:27 PM
Labels: Jason Campbell, Marcus Washington, Pittsburgh Steelers, Washington Redskins
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Brand New Links
The Steelers have a 17-page rider for their hotel stays (from The Smoking Gun courtesy of the Post-Gazette’s Blog ‘N’ Gold). I have a few observations:
- For meeting space, the offense requires a 100 person theater style seating room with widely spaced chairs. Meanwhile, the defense requires a 50 person theater style seating space with widely spaced chairs. Why does the offense need double the amount of seats?
- Two omelet chefs for the pre-game meal. I love omelet stations!
- Each table must include Heinz Ketchup. Personally, I completely agree with this. Who likes Hunts over Heinz?
- The night of arrival “snack” includes pizza, hamburgers, chicken wings, linguini, ice cream (vanilla, chocolate and sherbet – what if someone wanted Mint Chocolate Chip?) and cookies. A nice light snack before bed.
When I wrote my Israeli baseball preview last month, I mentioned a recent graduate of Haverford College named Ben Field. Well, the Director of Communications of Haverford contacted me to inform everyone that Field is now blogging about his experience. Interesting stuff.
My favorite fantasy celebrity league website, Fafarazzi.com, has a “Rock of Love” fantasy game based on the VH1 dating show starring Bret Michaels of Poison. From the site, “The Rock of Love fantasy game lets you pick your favorite trainwrecks girls from the show to your ROL team -- then your team scores points when they do crazy stuff during the episode.” My personal favorite is Lacey, although I can’t see her winning on the show because she is, how can I say this, a little bit crazy. My guess is Mia or Madgalena will be Bret's pick. (Yes, I have a problem and it’s called VH1 TV shows.)
Speaking of fantasy leagues, a Ph.D. candidate at Kent State University is doing a study about playing fantasy sports and why people play fantasy sports. I haven’t completed the questionnaire, but I’m all for helping a completely worthwhile project, assuming it doesn't take time away from my fantasy football league draft preparation. (Courtesy of Deadspin.)
Posted by
9:06 PM
Labels: Ben Field, Bret Michaels, Fafarazzi, Heinz, Israel Baseball League, Pittsburgh Steelers, Rock of Love, VH1
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
California Tortilla Journal
As I wrote this morning, I left home around 5:40 am in an attempt to be one of the first 10 people in line at California Tortilla’s grand opening. Here are my notes from the adventure:
5:45 am – What the heck is wrong with me? I am up way too early just so I can stand in line at California Tortilla in Reston. My wife thinks I’m crazy, and maybe I am…crazy like a fox! The first ten people in line receive a free burrito every week for a year. I arrive outside the store and am the eighth person in line! I brought my comfortable folding chair, my walkman (yes, a walkman), which although I have not used in years still had working batteries much to my surprise, Sunday’s Washington Post Magazine and the book “Can I Keep My Jersey? 11 Teams, 5 Countries, and 4 Years in My Life as a Basketball Vagabond” by Paul Shirley.
The seven people in front of me are all teenage boys. (I wrote this at 5:50 am; I will amend this statement later.) There were chairs, a cooler and someone brought a tent. One of the seven is completely covered by a blanket on a hard steel bench. They camped out all night waiting for the grand opening. Apparently, they were not alone for the first part of the evening. About 30 people waited for the midnight release of Madden 08 at EB Games located next door.
6:30 – #9 arrives. I could have slept an extra 40 minutes.
6:45 – Four kids ride in on their bikes. They can’t be older than 12. According to California Tortilla’s official rules, you must be at least 18 years of age or older to win the burritos for a year.
6:50 – Four more people arrive, all much older than 18. Between the kids and the new folks, we now have more than 10. This could get interesting. I wonder if a fight outside of California Tortilla for free burritos would trump a fight at a chess tournament. I should also mention that the people numbered 11-30 in line receive a free burrito every week for a month, so there is a consolation prize.
7:10 – I’m not even sure that I want burritos for a year. I could get sick of them by week #2. If that’s the case, look for free burrito coupons on eBay.
7:30 – The card game Quems (sic) has just broken out among some of the teens. I didn’t know that this game existed anymore. I used to play Quems at EKC over 15 years ago.
7:55 – Six California Tortilla employees appear. Two of the four kids ask them if you really need to be 18 to win. They are told yes (again).
8:10 – There are now about 20-25 people in line. Cartoon Cuts and Parcel Plus are not going to be happy with all of the loiterers outside of their businesses.
8:30 – A woman asks me to sign a petition to allow for a referendum on Reston town status. I agree every though she’s a little annoying. Meanwhile, the dispute for the #10 spot continues. There is also a little controversy for spots #5-7. It turns out that these guys are only 15 (and are not part of the first group of guys) and are holding the spots so that their parents can claim the prize for them.
8:50 – I use the California Tortilla restroom. There are no prizes for being one of the first ten customers to use the bathroom.
9:05 – The guy on the bench woke up. He’s also not a teenager. The guy is probably in his late 40s and looks a little disheveled, which is completely understandable since he slept on a metal bench for at least 4 hours.
9:15 – The petition lady is getting on my nerves. I am tempted to ask her to remove my name from the petition, but I really don’t want to talk to her again.
9:30 – The property managers tell everyone that the chairs must go. While I would like to blame Cartoon Cuts for this demand, I think this is coming straight from the man/men.
10:00 – The Junkies radio show on 106.7 is done for the day. I definitely would not have made it the past four hours without listening to them. I’m so excited that my walkman still works too!
(Nothing really happened over the next 50 minutes. I stood and read my book and California Tortilla founders arrived to say hello.)
10:50-10:59 – Every minute on the minute, the kids yell how much time remains until the doors open. The sad part about this is I was probably just as annoying with my friends at that age as I was recently reminded of by Messiah in the Steely McBeam comments section.
11:02 – The first ten people, which includes me, are called inside and handed a stack of 52 coupons. I am really impressed that someone handwrote the dates on each coupon. I then reach the register and order a Blackened Chicken Caesar burrito and lemonade to go.
In case you were wondering, I took a half-day off from work but worked the entire afternoon. The parent for 15-year-old swap turned out fine. They were all very nice. I don’t know what ended up happening to #10. One of the four kids had that number, but I’m not sure whether or not they actually received the coupons. When I left the restaurant at about 11:10, there were about 75 people in line for a free burrito. I predict great success for California Tortilla in Reston and that I will not wake up at 5:20 for free food again.
Posted by
10:03 PM
Labels: California Tortilla, Paul Shirley, The Junkies
California Tortilla Opens Today
Today is the grand opening of the California Tortilla in Reston! Stop by for free burritos and a beverage for everyone who visits for lunch (11:00 am to 1:30 pm) and dinner (5-7:30). I'm heading over now in hopes of being one of the first 10 people in line. I'll write more about my adventures (or lack thereof) later today.
With the recent additions of California Tortilla and Mama Lucia, which just opened a few weeks ago, Reston’s North Point Village Center is becoming the place to be (this may be a slight exaggeration).
Update 11:20 am - I was #8 in line and now have 52 coupons for a free burrito, one for every week over the next year. Much more later.
Posted by
5:28 AM
Labels: California Tortilla, Mama Lucia, Reston
Monday, August 13, 2007
Damn You Chuck Klosterman
A few weeks ago, I was planning on sharing my thoughts on the classic single, “Bust a Move” by Young MC, but I thought I would wait until a better time. While I was going to write about the fact that I love this song (it was huge when I was in junior high), there was one specific part that has bothered me for some time now. However, in Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas (the book I just finished), Klosterman wrote what I have been thinking about:
“Bust a Move is confusing for the following reason: The last verse states, ‘Your best friend Harry / Has a brother Larry / In five days from now he’s gonna marry / He’s hopin’ you can make it there if you can / Cuz in the ceremony you’ll be the best man.’ Now, why would anybody possibly be the best man in a wedding where the groom is your best friend’s brother? Why isn’t your best friend the best man in this ceremony?”
Did he plagiarize my thoughts? I doubt it (I don't think we have the same mind connection as Harry Potter and Lord Voldermort did), but I’d still like to give myself credit for this observation.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Labels: Bust a Move, Chuck Klosterman, Young MC
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Follow Up on Steely McBeam
Apparently, the nickname Ryan “Steely” McBean has been catching on for the Steelers’ rookie defensive end out of Oklahoma State as I have received scores of hits today from people searching “Steely McBean” on Google. Of course, there is a slight possibility people are just typing the name of the new Steelers’ mascot incorrectly.
I’ve thought about starting an online petition (if there isn’t one already) to stop the existence of Mr. McBeam. However, I realize that in the grand scheme of things, the addition of a new Steelers mascot, while silly and unnecessary, is not really a big deal. If the purpose of the mascot is to get the home team fired up at games, that’s not going to happen. In reality, while you can name the Pirate Parrot or San Diego Chicken, how many people know NFL mascots? Therefore, if the purpose is to have the mascot visit schools or attend community functions to benefit non-profit organizations, then I’m completely OK with the mascot.
The only recent mascot experience I have to compare with Steely McBeam is the debut of Screech for the Washington Nationals. Screech is an ugly part-owl, part-eagle that needs to lose a few pounds. In my mind, Screech is useless. With that written, I attended a Pirates-Nationals game earlier in the season and sat next to a father with his son who could not have been older than four. When Screech came to the section, the kid was thrilled and gave Screech a huge hug. I just hope that kids don’t get too attached to McBeam.
Posted by
8:50 PM
Labels: Mascots, Pirate Parrot, Pittsburgh Steelers, Ryan McBean, San Diego Chicken, Screech, Steely McBeam, Steely McBean, Washington Nationals
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
All About the Steelers
I have not written about the Steelers for some time, so I wanted to share my thoughts about the preseason and the new mascot. As all Steelers fans already know, the team won their first preseason game on Sunday night against the New Orleans Saints. woo-hoo. I seriously could care less about preseason games. My only hopes for a typical preseason is that the first team plays decently in the few series they are actually in the game and, more importantly, that no one gets hurt.
This year is a little different since Mike Tomlin is in his first year as a head coach, so I care that he’s getting “game” experience in that position. However, I still vividly remember Steve Spurrier’s debut as the head coach for the Washington Redskins. The team was very impressive in his first preseason going undefeated. Over the next two seasons, the Redskins went 12-20 and the "ball coach" returned to the SEC. While I truly believe that Tomlin will have much more success as an NFL head coach than Spurrier, this just goes to show that the preseason means little. Therefore, I’m done writing about it...except for this:
The Washington Redskins are promoting a “Preseason Special Package” for the August 18th game against the Steelers. Here’s the details:
Purchase the Preseason Special Package and receive the following for only $499.00...over a 50% savings:
• Two (2) Prime Sideline Seats
Enjoy the best sightlines in the stadium plus access to the club level concourse where you find wonderful amenities including hundreds of flat screen TVs, two sports bars, Club Macanudo - Washington's largest cigar lounge, Hooters, Johnny Rockets, Phillips Seafood & much more.
• Two (2) Tailgate Club Passes
o Opens three (3) hours prior to the game
o An all-you-can-eat BBQ
o Meet & greets by Redskins Alumni and Cheerleaders
o Receive a complimentary Redskins Yearbook
o Games for all ages
• One (1) on-site Parking Pass
o Park close to the stadium and be a few steps away from FedExField
If you're interested in this wonderful opportunity to spend $500 to watch back-ups and practice squad players for three quarters, call (301) 276-6800 and order the Preseason Special Package today!
Finally, the Steelers announced the name of the new mascot. I already wrote about this atrocity when the mascot was revealed suggesting “Unnecessary” as the name. Instead, the mascot will be called Steely McBeam.
I hope I'm the first person to give Steelers rookie defensive end Ryan McBean the nickname Steely McBean!
Posted by
7:45 PM
Labels: Mascots, Mike Tomlin, Pittsburgh Steelers, Ryan McBean, Steely McBeam, Steve Spurrier, Washington Redskins
Monday, August 06, 2007
What American City Are You?
Here's another online quiz. This is an easy five-question one to determine what American city you are.
You Are Austin |
A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll. You're totally weird and very proud of it. Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way. |
I don't understand how I'm Austin. While I acknowledge being a little weird, I don't think I would ever be classified as artistic or freaky.
I found this quiz from A 'Feel Good' Production.
Posted by
8:15 PM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Television Death Pool
Do you watch television shows and wish that they get cancelled (thanks Fox for getting rid of “The War at Home”)? Have you viewed previews for television shows and wondered how in the world did they get approved? If you answered yes to either of these questions or if you just like watching TV, this is for you. The 2007-2008 Alison LaPlaca Open Television Death Pool is here! From now until August 31st, “enter the web’s premier TV death pool.” It actually says that on the website, so it must be true! In all seriousness, I finished tied for sixth out of over 100 entries for the 2006-2007 season, which may be one of my life’s greatest accomplishments!
Simply select ten shows that you think will not make it to the 2008-2009 season. Click here for the entry form.
Is this the year that “According to Jim” is finally cancelled?
Posted by
8:37 AM
Labels: According to Jim, Alison LaPlaca Open, Ted Marshall Open, Television, The War at Home
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Thank You and Sorry
I want to thank the hundreds of visitors from across the globe for stopping at this little place over the past few days. I have received way too many visits from people searching Google for "Spider Pig" lyrics. I'm very excited to see so many Simpsons fans everywhere, particularly from the dozens of visits I have received from the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
I really wanted to write more than this tonight, but since it took 3 hours to get home courtesy of a Metro delay at Rosslyn, I'm a little tired. I'll try to write more over the weekend.
Posted by
9:55 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Bathroom Story
In celebration of an undefeated regular season, my ultimate frisbee team went to Rio Grande Café, a local Mexican chain, last night for food and drinks. I wish I could take credit for leading my team to victory, but in reality, I’m just lucky to be on a really good team. Anyway, after finishing my manly frozen strawberry margarita, I went to the restroom to relieve myself. As I washed my hands, I noticed someone come out of the stall, walk behind me and immediately exit the restroom. This person was a woman! I couldn’t tell if she was surprised to see me or even embarrassed. She just quickly exited the restroom, barely made eye contact and did not wash her hands. My initial reaction was maybe I was in the wrong place. However, while I have never been in the women's restroom at Rio Grande, I’m pretty sure that they don’t have urinals. Even when I left the restroom, I double-checked that the door said men (well, it was in Spanish so that could be confusing for some people – like me), but clearly the character on the door was a guy.
I don’t have a punch line here but am just wondering if there is something I should have said/done and has this ever happened to you?
Posted by
9:46 PM