Welcome to my 7th annual year in review, where I take the first few lines of the first entry of each month in order to produce a random and interesting (maybe?) summary of 2011.
January - Welcome to my 6th annual year in review, where I take the first line or two of the first entry of each month in order to produce a random and (hopefully) interesting summary of 2010. (Sean’s note: Perhaps I should make sure that I post this year in review post in December of each year.)
February - There are icy conditions in part of the Washington DC area today. Therefore, the local television stations show school and government delays and closures on the bottom of the screen.
March - (If you're looking for the final four round of the best Pittsburgh sports blog tournament, please scroll down to the next post.)
I have an amazing idea for a name that tune edition of Trivia Tuesday.
April - This week's Trivia Tuesday is quite simple. Where is Sean and when is he coming back? Just know that I am still around. Overwhelmed and tired, but still around.
May - On Saturday, we went on our first date night since our baby arrived. We planned on going to dinner followed by watching a movie, but what movie to see.
June - When I started this blog 6+ years ago, I planned on using seansramblings.blogspot.com as the website address. Unfortunately, someone named Sean from Oxford, Mississippi already had this domain name, so my website address is missing the "S" in Sean's (well, the 2nd S).
July - If you're working today, I'm sure that you don't feel like working following the long holiday weekend. Therefore, I present to you several Sporcle quizzes to help you get through the day.
August - It seems like only days ago when I wrote about my excitement of the return of Debbie Gibson. After seeing her performance on Friday's Good Morning America, I'm not as enthusiastic.
September - The White House announced last night that President Obama will address a joint session of Congress on Thursday, September 8th regarding his plan for jobs and to improve the economy. While I appreciate President Obama presenting information on his plan on the biggest political stage available, doesn't anyone in the administration have a calendar?
October - I recently passed the six-month mark of being a father which has been a wonderful, tiring, and life-changing experience. Since I don’t feel like writing about the Steelers today, I figured that I’d share my recent experiences of fatherhood.
November - After giving my son a spoonful of baby food, specifically apples, I asked him the following question:
Me: How do you like them apples?
Kid: (No response)
December - Congratulations to Debi V for winning the Orient Watch. Debi V was commenter #5 and wants to go on a fun vacation this holiday season.
Trivia, Debbie Gibson, life as a new father, weather, Pittsburgh sports and more? Looks and sounds like a typical year at Sean’s Ramblings where I write about a wide variety of topics. On behalf of me and everyone else here at Sean's Ramblings (that would still be me), thank you very much for reading, commenting and for your continued support. Have a Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
2011 Sean's Ramblings Year In Review
Posted by
10:02 AM
Labels: Year In Review
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Longest Day
A trip from Jacksonville to Northern Virginia should take about 4-5 hours door to door including time spent at the airport going through security and waiting to board the flight. So why did my trip Tuesday take 10 hours? Let’s take a look.
7:30 AM: Wake up with a dog sleeping next to me.
7:50 AM: Check flight status and see that my 11:00 AM flight is delayed an hour and a half. Look through other flight options and click “select” showing another flight going from Jacksonville to Atlanta and then Atlanta to Washington National.
8:00 AM: Realize that clicking select actually changed my flight. Then realize that I cannot change back to my original flight. Good news: Based on the delay on my original flight, the new flight gets in about 30 minutes earlier. Bad news: Need to leave for the airport immediately even though I’m not close to being ready.
9:05 AM: Arrive at Jacksonville Airport
9:35 AM: Arrive at gate only to see that the flight to Atlanta is delayed meaning that I would likely miss my connection. Change back to original flight. Delta staff member tells me that it’s always better to go direct and avoid Atlanta. I should know about avoiding Atlanta.
10:10 AM Discover that Delta moved the gate of my flight. Then, I see that my flight is delayed another half hour.
10:15 AM: According to a travel guy on CNN, he predicts that airfare will either go up or down in 2012. Extremely bold prediction!
10:15 AM - 12:45 PM: Am extremely happy that I have an iPad and that Jacksonville has free wireless. Spend too much time on Twitter and playing Angry Birds. I also ate lunch at Chili’s. They have yummy fries.
1:15 PM: Finally leave Jacksonville 2+ hours after the originally scheduled flight time.
3:00ish: Circle Richmond due to heavy traffic around National.
3:20 PM: Go over Georgetown University and see the Kennedy Center, Watergate, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial & Jefferson Memorial, but we’re way too high to land. Apparently, there is a plane on the runway. Circle National.
3:30 PM: Told that we can’t land at National due to weather. Heading to Philadelphia to see Jaromir Jagr. (They didn’t actually say this.)
4:00 PM: Land in Philadelphia. Not allowed to leave aircraft, but have a jolly good time waiting in line for the one restroom on the back of the plane. They ran out of paper towels, so I had to use Kleenex to wipe my hands.
5:30 PM: Depart Philadelphia
5:40 PM: Delta announces that they thank their SkyMiles passengers for flying Delta. Sure, I realize that you have to say that we can use approved electronic devices, but was it really necessary to include the SkyMiles passengers announcement again?
6:10 PM: Arrive at National airport.
7:00 PM: Finally arrive home to a purring and meowing cat extremely happy to see me.
7:10 PM: Clogged toilet
In case you’re curious, according to Google Maps, the trip would have take 11 hours & 44 minutes if I drove. I also read 200 pages of Hellhound on His Trail: The Stalking of Martin Luther King Jr. and the International Hunt For His Assassin. Great book. Oh, Ziggy has been sitting on my lap the entire time I typed this post.
Posted by
9:49 AM
Labels: Delta, Flight Problems, Jaromir Jagr, Ziggy
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Trivia Tuesday: Music Edition
Happy Holidays everyone! Welcome to the final Trivia Tuesday of 2011. Whether you have to work this week and this Trivia Tuesday gets you a few minutes closer to the end of the day, or you’re at home and want to spend a few minutes challenging yourself, enjoy this special music edition of TT!
1. Who sang the mid-1990s hit, Breakfast at Tiffany’s?
2. Name a Jennifer Lopez song.
3. Name the director of a pretty big movie that’s currently in the theatres who was also the video director of Shattered Dreams by Johnny Hates Jazz.
4. Name the song title and artist based on these lyrics: “Cause you can't have the hop if you don't have the hip.”
5. Name a (the?) song by Dishwala.
6. Name the two movies that Jack Black and Sarah Silverman appeared in which featured a good amount of music/songs.
7. Name the song title and artist based on these lyrics: “Josie’s on a vacation faraway.”
8. In what Emmy award winning 1980s-1990s comedy did a famous character that lived on past this TV show say (this is not an exact quote), “I heard a song on the radio on my way here that should set the tone for this evening. Everybody have fun tonight. (Dramatic pause.) Everybody…Wang Chung tonight. (Yes, this is a bit of a stretch for music.)
9. Name the song title and artist based on these lyrics: “And all the rappers in the top ten, please allow me to bump thee.”
10. Name a musical act performing at this year’s Dick Clark’s New Years Rockin’ Eve.
As always please leave your answers in the comments section below, and do not use the internet for assistance. Good luck!
Posted by
10:13 AM
Labels: Trivia
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Happy Hanukkah & Merry Christmas
Here are two videos to help you smile during this holiday season. The first is a Hanukkah song by the B-Boyz, three kids from Fairfax Station, Virginia.
I find it quite appropriate that the kid wearing a Washington Redskins shirt isn't wearing a jersey. Would you want to wear a Rex Grossman or Tim Hightower jersey? Anyway, I'm not going to make fun of kids especially after reading this article about how hard they worked putting the video together (even if I can't understand much of what they're saying), so, um, watch this 'N Sync video and we can make fun of them instead.
Is this why Justin Timberlake refuses to participate in any type of 'N Sync reunion? Why can't Joey Fatone just hold the reins instead of constantly moving them up and down? The "reindeer" are going to get annoyed and kick Fatone in his mouth. Meanwhile, I hope Gary Coleman got a nice paycheck for appearing in this video.
Posted by
10:47 AM
Labels: 'N Sync, B-Boyz, Gary Coleman, Hanukkah, Justin Timberlake, Rex Grossman, Tim Hightower
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Do Any Presidential Candidates Play Fantasy Football?
Fantasy football is a $1 billion industry with nearly 27 million participants according to The Hollywood Reporter. (I’m sure that there are more detailed statistics available from Forbes, The Wall Street Journal or even ESPN out there, but this is where Google directed me.) While the growth of fantasy sports over the past decade has impacted people at most businesses, I wonder if it has reached the White House. Sure, President Obama completes NCAA tournament brackets for men’s and women’s college basketball, but I don’t think he worried about choosing between Adrian Peterson, Arian Foster or even Aaron Rodgers with the first pick of a fantasy football league draft earlier this fall (though he may have drafted Rodgers based on their meeting).
Personally, I’d find it fascinating seeing the President scan the waiver wire on Tuesday afternoon deciding whether to put in a claim to pick up Darrius Heyward-Bey or Jabar Gaffney. Would the President call Matthew Berry directly each Sunday morning asking if he/she should start Beanie Wells or C.J. Spiller? Would the President delay the start of a meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in order to finalize a trade to acquire Mike Wallace? White House press conferences could end with correspondents asking the President’s thoughts on Jamaal Charles’ torn ACL. While I may be taking this question a little too far here (though I don’t think any of this would be completely unrealistic), I wonder who will be the first U.S. President to embrace fantasy sports.
While I don’t believe that any of the current Presidential candidates are active fantasy owners, I thought it would be fun to pretend that the candidates are in a league together. Please note that the candidates are in no particular order:
Mitt Romney – This is a high stakes league where Romney put up $10,000 on him winning.
Newt Gingrich – The former Speaker of the House also serves as the league’s historian.
Michele Bachmann – Selected Atlanta running back Michael Turner with her first pick so that she could name her team Bachmann Turner Overdrive. (Sorry if this sounds like a bad Chris Berman joke.)
Rick Perry – He focused his draft plan on three positions. Running back, quarterback, and the um, what’s the third one there? Oops!
Ron Paul – He could have early season success, but don’t look for Paul winning the fantasy league championship.
Jon Huntsman – Since his daughter went on a date with Kris Humphries, well before he was the former Mr. Kim Kardashian, Huntsman prefers fantasy basketball to fantasy football.
Rick Santorum – The draft must be on-line and not in person since Santorum doesn’t actually live where he claims his residency.
Herman Cain – Sure, Cain’s not a candidate anymore, but he was when the league formed in August. Cain drafted ninth and only selected players wearing the number 9. Sure, Drew Brees was a great pick, but starting #99 Brett Keisel at running back hasn’t worked very well.
Since you can’t have a league with just eight participants, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who many Republican leaders hoped would enter the Presidential race, will serve as the 9th member. I don’t have anything to write about Chris Christie, so the league also included Kris Kristofferson as the 10th member simply because it’s fun to say Chris Christie and Kris Kristofferson in the same sentence.
After I finished typing this post, I found a brief article about Obama drafting a fantasy football team in 2008 with Rick Reilly. I'm still not willing to credit Obama as the first fantasy football playing President.
Posted by
9:19 AM
Labels: Barack Obama, Chris Christie, Herman Cain, Jon Huntsman, Kris Kristofferson, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Dark Knight Rises Looks Unrealistic
If you haven't seen the trailer for Dark Knight Rises, please watch the video below. While the film certainly looks cool, I can't get past two portions of the trailer that seem completely unrealistic.
1. Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl kicking for a professional football team (1:08 mark).
2. Hines Ward returning a kick-off for a touchdown (1:21). He hasn’t returned a kick-off since 2000!
I'm not sure how I can even see this movie now. Maybe I'll see something more believable like Matt Damon buying and operating a zoo where Scarlett Johansson works or singing and dancing chipmunks.
Deadspin also has some great analysis of The Dark Knight Rises football scenes.
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: Alvin and the Chipmunks, Batman, Dark Knight Rises, Hines Ward, Luke Ravenstahl, Matt Damon, Scarlett Johansson
Monday, December 19, 2011
Did Former Penn State Basketball Coach Know About Sandusky?
In May of this year, Penn State men’s basketball coach Ed DeChellis made the stunning decision to leave his alma mater coming off of a NCAA Tournament appearance to go to the U.S. Naval Academy, a team that hasn’t made the tournament since 1987. At the time, the reasoning behind DeChellis leaving a Big Ten school for a position with a $200,000 annual pay cut was about respect, lack of job security and the overall unimportance of the Penn State basketball program.
Until DeChellis was hired, the Bryce Jordan Center sported little in the way of artwork or signage to signal it was the home of Penn State basketball, and only last season were the basketball staffs given significant office space.
Worse, this season the team was forced to move out of the Bryce Jordan Center and practice in the nearby intramural building, in a gym outfitted for volleyball and only retrofitted for basketball. This as the Nittany Lions were jockeying for position for an at-large bid. The reason? Bon Jovi needed the space for rehearsal, and the university was hosting a career fair.
Now, however, does anyone think that DeChellis may have left Penn State because he knew something was going to happen with Jerry Sandusky? Think about it for a second. Has there ever been a case where a Big 10 head coach voluntarily resigned to take the same position several steps lower on the college basketball ladder?
In my opinion, I find it extremely unlikely that DeChellis had any inside information or knowledge of the Sandusky case. Although I don’t really follow Penn State basketball closely (are there still any Crispin brothers on the team?), it sounds like DeChellis left for the reasons above.
After listening to the ridiculous (not in a good way) radio “interview” between Yahoo’s Ryan Lambert and former KDKA sportscaster John Steigerwald in which they threw out speculation that Alex Ovechkin took steroids and that Sidney Crosby is a vampire, I just thought I would share more internet speculation. Call me an irresponsible blogger typing in my basement. Plus, someone on the Penn State blog Black Shoe Diaries mentioned the possible DeChellis-Sandusky link, so I’m weeks behind!
Oh, here are DeChellis’ thoughts on the current situation:
DeChellis said he'd reserve judgment on whether former football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, charged with 40 counts of abuse, is guilty, or whether Paterno is being fairly criticized for not taking more action when allegations arose.
DeChellis pointed to Sandusky maintaining he's innocent in an NBC interview on Monday. DeChellis also referred to the Duke lacrosse rape case, when players were accused and then charges were dropped.
"I don't know who was right and who was wrong," DeChellis said. "I'm not to judge. I know that Joe has done a lot of great things in his career. He's affected a lot of young men in a positive way and done a lot for the university, and to see his tenure end this way, only time will tell what really went on."
Basically, to paraphrase Bon Jovi, DeChellis is saying that it's his life and it's now or never. He ain't gonna live forever. He just wants to live while he's alive.
Posted by
9:18 AM
Labels: Bon Jovi, Ed DeChellis, Jerry Sandusky, John Steigerwald, Penn State
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The 11 Year Light Bulb
Philips deserves a lot of credit. I needed to buy some light bulbs last night and the package for the Philips EnergySaver light bulb states that it will last 11 years. That is not a typo. Take a moment to think about 11 years. 11 years ago, the Supreme Court made its decision on Bush vs. Gore. 11 years ago, Mario Lemieux was about to make his NHL comeback. 11 years ago, Justin Bieber was 6 years old (yes, I looked this up). 11 years from now, my child will be in junior high/middle school. The 2022 Winter Olympics will take place 11 years from now, though the winning bid won’t be announced for another four years. 11 years from now, I’ll have even less hair. (Of course, I’ll probably have less hair 11 days from now!)
Back to the light bulb. Naturally, I bought the Philips bulb partially because of the “lasts 11 years” claim. It was a difficult process removing the light fixture where the bulb went out, so I don’t want to repeat the process anytime this decade. Let’s take a look at the 11-year claim and limited warranty for this bulb:
Based on a reasonable household usage, when used in accordance with package and bulb directions, if this bulb does not last for 11 years (based on approximately 3 hours average usage per day/7 days per week). Philips will send you a replacement bulb upon receipt of the returned bulb, register receipt, and proof of purchase.
Let’s say that you light bulb lasts 9 years. Who still keeps a $3 or $4 receipt as well as proof of purchase for 9 years? Even if you do manage to keep this, how would you find it? Wouldn’t it just be buried in a box never to be seen again? How do you prove that you did not exceed the reasonable household usage? I don’t think Philips will need to provide many replacement bulbs.
Well done, Philips. Well done!
Posted by
12:33 PM
Labels: Justin Bieber, Light Bulbs, Mario Lemieux, Philips
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Great Actress Changes Names (Express Fail)
Meryl Streep is widely regarded as the greatest living actress. She holds the record for the most Academy Award nominations with an incredible 16, including two wins for her roles in Kramer vs. Kramer and Sophie's Choice. Streep constantly challenges herself and, apparently, is reinventing herself by changing her name. Express proudly introduced Reryl Streep in Tuesday's edition!
Yes, this is two posts in the same day. Express just makes it easy to write blog posts.
Please click here for more Express Fail.
Posted by
2:17 PM
Labels: Express Fail, Meryl Streep
Vikings Lose Doubleheader (Express Fail)
It's been a rough season for the Minnesota Vikings. At 2-11, they are tied for the second worst record in the NFL. The team has lost five straight games and star running back Adrian Peterson has missed the past three games.
The team hit a new low this past Sunday and made NFL history by losing to Detroit Lions and New Orleans Saints in the same day. Amazing!
Wait, are you doubting that this actually happened? It's true. Just check out the scores from Monday's Express.
Please click here for more Express Fail.
Posted by
9:13 AM
Labels: Express Fail, Minnesota Vikings
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Trivia Tuesday
I apologize that Trivia Tuesday has only occurred sporadically lately. Maybe my New Year's Resolution will be to ensure that Trivia Tuesday takes place every Tuesday.
From the clues provided below, your challenge is to provide the answers that all start with "Jack."
1. A pneumatic drill
2. A chilly pseudonym used by Bob Dylan as producer for his albums “Love & Theft” and “Modern Times”
3. “…and master on none”
4. To put the trailer in front of the truck
5. “Old No. 7”
6. It often cranks out “Pop! Goes the Weasel”
7. A TV show that spawned four movies
8. “Oh! Fruit loved of boyhood! The old days recalling, When wood-grapes were purpling and brown nuts were falling! When wild, ugly faces we carved in its skin. Glaring out through the dark with a candle within!” (John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807)
9. The main character of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”
10. One could be “mad as a March hare”
As always please leave your answers in the comments section below, and do not use the internet for assistance. Good luck!
This quiz is courtesy of the fine folks at Stump Trivia.
Posted by
9:51 AM
Labels: Trivia
Monday, December 12, 2011
New Fall Television Shows
A few weeks ago, Dan put together a post about new TV shows he’s watched this season. I’m totally taking his idea.
New Girl – It’s a cute show about Zooey Deschanel moving in with three random male roommates. Although I’m not sure how long the writers can stay with the roommates learning to live with each other and appreciate their wacky differences theme, I’m still watching it.
Up All Night – Although I’m about five episodes behind on my DVR, this show entertains me. The whole new parent thing is quite relevant to my life. I especially liked a scene where Christina Applegate and another character destroyed a stroller that refused to fold correctly like the Office Space fax machine. I would love to do that with a Pack and Play.
Terra Nova – There really is no good reason why I’m still watching this show. Well, the fact that Steven Spielberg is one of the executive producers may be the reason and the dinosaur effects are cool. Otherwise, like V and Flash Forward, I’m just sticking with it to see what happens (which will probably be an amazing season finale, followed by cancellation). The whole Sixers splinter group intrigues me.
Person of Interest – I had high hopes for this show because of Michael Emerson/ Benjamin Linus and Taraji P. Henson, but after two episodes, it seems like a new case will be solved every week. I can watch any airing of Law & Order to see that.
Whitney – I’m so glad that I picked this show in the Ted Marshall Open TV Death Pool. I’ve watched part of a few episodes, and the show lived up to my awful expectations.
Happy Endings - Technically, this is not a new TV show, but it’s new to me. The first minute of this show ended up on my DVR following the conclusion of Modern Family. I found the minute consistently funny (the exact opposite of 2 Broke Girls after How I Met Your Mother) and added it to my DVR recording list. Plus, this show had amazing cameos a few weeks ago from Fred Savage and Brent Musburger
So what new shows are you watching/did you watch?
Posted by
9:18 AM
Labels: Happy Endings, Ted Marshall Open, Television
Friday, December 09, 2011
Sid and Geno As Larry and Balki Bartokomous
I really should write about last night's Steelers-Browns game, but I couldn't pass up sharing the latest video by Benstonium.
This is just the excuse I've been looking for to incorporate Balki Bartokomous into one of my blog post. Plus, this is a great video. Enjoy!
Posted by
9:40 AM
Labels: Benstonium, Evgeni Malkin, Perfect Strangers, Sidney Crosby
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Another Ramblings Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Get Fresh Designs for winning an item in the $75-$80 range from Wayfair. Get Fresh Designs (that's not his real name) was commenter #14 wants to go to one of the Caribbean islands on a vacation.
Two contests in two weeks from a guy who used to write about his experiences eating burritos for a year. Not too shabby!
Posted by
11:43 PM
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Another Ramblings Giveaway
For the second consecutive Wednesday, I am proud to announce a giveaway where you can win a fabulous prize! Isn’t this the best blog ever? The fine folks at Wayfair, formerly CSN Stores, are providing one lucky winner with the opportunity to select an item in the $75-$80 price range among their thousands of products. Examples of such products are this Play Up Adjustable Sand and Water Table,
a Leather Business Attache,
Steelers dart board,
or one of the many kitchen rugs on their website. (If you buy a kitchen rug and put it in another room, is it still a kitchen rug?)
To enter the contest, please leave a note in the comments section below. Last week, I asked what you wanted this holiday season. This week, let’s go with where you want to go on vacation this holiday season or beyond.
One comment/entry per person. Please enter by 10:00 p.m. Eastern time tomorrow (Thursday, December 8th), and I will use Random.org to choose a winner. This contest is open to folks living in the U.S. only.
Posted by
8:58 AM
Labels: Giveaway
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Notes from Heinz Field: No Need for Renegade (Steelers-Bengals Recap)
Most newspapers, websites, etc. have already moved past Sunday's Pittsburgh Steelers-Cincinnati Bengals game and focused their attention on Thursday night's Steelers-Browns game. I haven't had the opportunity to share my thoughts about Sunday's game until now since I attended the game in Pittsburgh and then drove back to Northern Virginia. Therefore, enjoy my extremely random notes from the game and trip to Pittsburgh.
The game turned out to be like an Oprah episode for many individual Steelers players.
Hines Ward became the first Steelers receiver and the 19th player in NFL history to reach 12,000 yards receiving. You get a milestone!
With his 15 completions, Ben Roethlisberger passed Terry Bradshaw to become the team's all-time leader in completions. You get a milestone!
With his two touchdowns, Rashard Mendenhall passed John Henry Johnson and Barry Foster and moved into fifth place in Steelers history for rushing touchdowns. You get a milestone!
Antonio Brown had his first NFL punt return touchdown after scoring on a 60-yard punt return in the second quarter. You get a milestone!
The early turning point of the game was Cameron Heyward's blocked field goal after Cincinnati's first drive. Yes, this was Heyward's first blocked kick in the NFL. You know what that means? You get a milestone!
During the game, the Steelers announced some type of accomplishment for James Harrison (something like the third Steelers player since 1970 to have 3+ sacks in a game three times in a season), but I can't seem to find any information about this online. You get a milestone!
The Steelers also announced something about coach Mike Tomlin and wins, but again, I can't seem to find anything about this now. Regardless, you get a milestone! (Update: According to Behind the Steel Curtain, Tomlin is now one of six coaches in NFL history to have won at least nine games in each of his first five season as an NFL head coach.)
- The winner of the 12-13 year-old boy division of the Punt, Pass & Kick contest threw the ball at least 50 yards and looked like he was 17. I think he bought cigarettes and lottery tickets after the game.
- Jeremy Kapinos had an amazing game. Five punts with an average of 54.2 yards per kick. Sorry Mr. Sepulveda, but Mr. Kapinos is the new Steelers punter for the long-term future.
- Over the past few years, the Steelers have mixed together Styx's Renegade with Steelers highlights to pump up the crowd. It's awesome and extremely effective when the defense needs to make a big stop. However, the team wasted Renegade by playing it with approximately 8 minutes left in the fourth quarter with the team leading 35-7.
- Why wasn't Bryant McFadden in as a cornerback late in the fourth quarter with the Steelers winning comfortably? Does he need some reps?
- The negative of the weekend goes to The Original Hot Dog shop AKA The O, usually one of my favorite places to go in Pittsburgh. Amazingly, The O ran out of beef hot dogs. An employee told me this was the first time this happened in the five years he worked at the O. He also told me that there would be beef hot dogs tomorrow which didn't help me since I drove home to Northern Virginia directly after dinner. I actually considered going next door to Five Guys, but stayed for the fries.
(Chas at Pitt Blather actually wrote about the O yesterday.)
Finally, there's a brand new Sheetz in Breezewood that is quite impressive. This may be a completely separate post.
Oh, this is a recap of the game via ESPN and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Posted by
9:18 AM
Labels: Bryant McFadden, Cincinnati Bengals, Five Guys, Hines Ward, James Harrison, Jeremy Kapinos, Original Hot Dog Shop, Orpah, Pittsburgh Steelers, Sheetz
Friday, December 02, 2011
Ithaca College Woman's Soccer Team in Final Four
The Ithaca College women’s soccer team is in the Division III Final Four! The semifinals take place today at San Antonio's Blossom Soccer Stadium. I have no idea whether the stadium is named after the popular 90s sitcom. Anyway, here's everything you need to know about today's game.
Ithaca (15-3-3) will face Wheaton [Ill.]. who is 21-1-1 on the season at 2:30 p.m. Eastern time in the second semifinal with Messiah (21-0-1) meeting William Smith (20-0-1) Friday at noon in the other. Friday's winners will play Saturday at 2:30 p.m. for the national championship. [Ithaca College Athletics]
An excellent (and perhaps only?) preview of the Ithaca-Wheaton game. [D3Soccer.com]
This is a video of the soccer team leaving campus for San Antonio. It appears that they took a bus which, according to Google Maps is 1,774 miles! [YNN News]
The team is well rested for the game. Since this is the case, perhaps they took an airplane to San Antonio. [Ithaca Journal]
Junior forward Rachael Palladino thoughts on the Final Four run: "When we got a bid, we didn’t really have any expectations besides the fact that we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were way better than the last game we played before the tournament." [The Ithacan]
Go Bombers!
Posted by
9:10 AM
Labels: Ithaca College, Ithaca College Bombers
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Watch Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Debi V for winning the Orient Watch. Debi V was commenter #5 and wants to go on a fun vacation this holiday season.
For those of you that didn’t win, look for details about another giveaway next week.
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: Giveaway, Orient Watches