Thursday, December 03, 2009

TMI Thursday: My Life

I doubt that many of you have even noticed, but I feel like the quality of my posts recently aren’t as good as they were before. Actually, some of you probably think that my posts are rubbish* regardless. Anyway, since it is TMI Thursday, I feel like now is an appropriate time to share what’s going on in my life. In just the last few days, we have signed contracts to sell our condo AND buy a townhouse. Between all of the negotiations, calls with our realtor, waiting to hear back from the realtor, talking to a financial guy, trying to figure out if we can afford to do this, how quickly this entire process is moving, scheduling times for home inspections, and trying to explain to Ziggy that he’s going to move to a new home, life has been extremely stressful lately. Well, maybe not the last item, but everything else has caused some anxiety.

So that’s what’s happening in my life. I have some great stories and ideas that I’m looking forward to sharing soon, but I may also ask for some advice about movers and the probable new commute over the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience and for reading!

Meanwhile, please visit LiLu for more TMI Thursdays. She is doing an excellent Post Secret edition of TMIT on her site plus you can visit the TMIT stories from other folks there. In addition, you can always click here to see all of my TMI Thursday archives.

* I’m currently reading Nick Hornby’s new book so I feel entitled to use British words!


lacochran said...

Congrats on moving forward with selling *and* buying! WOOT!

carissajaded said...

YAY! Good luck with everything...

Messiah said...

It's impressive that you were able to sell your house even with the mustache.

Sean said...

Thanks lacochran & carissajaded!

Messiah - We were told not to have pictures in the house so the seller may not have known that I had a mustache. Besides, Ziggy probably did a great job of selling the home!