Thursday, June 14, 2012

Falling Asleep on the Couch

Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative, or NOVEC, "is a locally based and locally owned electric distribution system headquartered in Manassas, Virginia" according to its website. NOVEC also aired the following commercial that I saw recently:

While most people probably find this commercial cute, I'm offended. The commercial begins by the woman stating, "I think you can do a little more to save energy and money." The guy replies by showing all that he did during the day to save energy. Based on all of this work, he's tired and falls asleep on the couch. For this, the woman criticizes him. Maybe this guy also worked hard at his job all day. He spent time with his child or children and then just wanted to watch television and relax. Maybe he also needed some time to write a new blog post. I'm not sure why the guy needs popcorn to feed an entire movie theatre, but I guess he deserves a break.

Meanwhile, I'm going to continue falling asleep on the couch in front of the TV at least 2-3 nights per week regardless of what the NOVEC woman says. To all of the people like me that regularly fall asleep in front of the TV, let's join together. People who fall asleep on the couch, unite! Don't feel bad. Do not feel ashamed for falling asleep in front of the TV. It's okay. Know that you're not alone!

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