Wednesday, January 10, 2024

If You Can Dodge A Beer Can, You Can Dodge A Ball

Watching football recently, I saw this Bud Light commercial several times featuring NFL Hall-of Famers Peyton Manning and Emmitt Smith.

At first glance, it’s nice that Peyton Manning bought a round of Bud Light cans for everyone.  Seems rather convenient that the bar has cases of beer rather than kegs, but maybe cans work better for this particular establishment.

Here’s my issue with the commercial. Smith and Manning are retired professional athletes and both (particularly Peyton) appear to have great arms. At the end of the commercial, they give each other a look. They aren’t going to gently distribute beers to the bar patrons. They are going to fire the cans like it’s a dodgeball game.

Look, I understand this is a commercial, but let's try a little experiment. Go to a bar with a friend and buy a round of Bud Light cans. Then, as hard as the two of you can, start throwing them at people or just anywhere around the place. Let's see how long it takes before someone fights you or the police get called!

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