Friday, October 30, 2009

Random Thoughts and Links

Our local Chinese restaurant always puts soy sauce packets with the to-go order. Am I expected to put soy sauce on orange chicken? Does anyone actually do this?

What is the proper way to spell moustache/mustache?

Roddy Piper had a guest appearance (not as himself) on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia last night. After seeing him for countless hours on TV when I watched wrestling, it's sad to admit that I didn't recognize him.

To the links...

* Nichole got a tattoo! [Long and Winding Road]

* Vote for three of my favorite blogs, PSAMP (Pittsburgh Sports & Mini Ponies); WHYGAVS (Where Have You Gone, Andy Van Slyke?) and The Pensblog (The Pensblog), in the Bloguin Awards. [Bloguin]

* Lawrence Halprin, the architect of one my favorite places to visit in DC, the FDR Memorial, passed away. [DCist]

* PensBurgh announced the Penguins all-decade team [PensBurgh]


lacochran said...

I've seen people add it to their rice, but, no, I wouldn't add it to my orange anything. That's what the orange is for. Why do they always give you so MANY packets of soy sauce and duck sauce and mustard, too? For years, I threw them in a drawer and then, one day, I thought, I'm never going to eat these and threw them all out.

It was liberating.

Brendon said...

Oh My God! I had no idea that was Roddy Piper! Last night's episode was so much better than I thought it would be.

Sean said...

lacochran - Part of the fun of orange chicken is putting the orange chicken sauce directly on the rice. Regarding all of the mustard and soy sauce packets, I feel like I should keep them, but I throw them away instantly. I should probably start telling them not to even put them in my bag.

Hand of Godard - I noticed that it was Roddy Piper in the credits. Although I have only watched about 5 episodes now, there are at least 1 or 2 laugh-out loud moments in every IASIP episode!