Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Sean's Ramblings at 20

I started this blog 20 years ago tomorrow without any clue about what I was doing. (Yes, you can still say this today.) My first post didn't include a title. My second post misquoted the start of Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock's It Takes Two. Over the next few weeks and months, I wrote mostly short posts which would today be considered tweets or Facebook updates about a wide variety of topics though mostly about Pittsburgh sports. I was recently married and several years away from any kids. We didn't even have a cat yet!

20 years later, I have now spent over 40% of my life writing a blog. This is my 3,383rd post. From what I can find, Sean's Ramblings is the oldest, continuously-operating personal blog. There are other blogs that are subject specific (such as about individual sports teams) that are older, but many of them have had various writers during their existence. So why do I still write a blog? I'm not sure that I have a good answer. I really have no idea how many people still read this. I don't know much about SEO (search engine optimization), and I've never figured out how to build an audience. The best answer is that this is a journal for me. Yes, it's a public journal visible in theory to the entire world, but I write for me. And a little bit for my kids in case they ever want to read through this one day (even if they have no idea who Kevin Pittsnogle is though they may have heard of Flavor Flav).

I wrote fewer posts in 2024 than I have in any other year of this blog's existence. Part of the reason is that my posts are longer. You can read my random/quick thoughts and pictures on Facebook, Bluesky, Twitter, and Instagram. I consider many of my posts here to be "articles" or at least longer or more substantial than your typical tweet. So will I write more in 2025? Maybe. An average of a post a week seems reasonable, though I'd like to increase this some.

My main goal for this blog in 2025 is for me to branch out by attending events as a blogger/media member. I submitted an application to cover the Grammys virtually, and I plan on trying to participate in a few other things. (If anyone knows of events in the DC area, please let me know!) I think I bring a different perspective than many influencers that would be fun to read.

Thanks to all of you for reading this post and any of my other posts over the years. While I wrote that I write this for me, I do enjoy having an audience! Thank you!

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