Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ryan Reynolds & Unpaid Taxes (Express Fail)

In Tuesday's edition of everyone’s favorite free daily newspaper handed out at Metro stations,* Express shared information about the Ryan Reynolds-Blake Lively wedding.

Clearly Reynolds looks much older than his actual age. Otherwise, how can you explain why an 11 year old Reynolds looked to be in his early 20s when he started on Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place in 1998? He must have been the Doogie Howser of pizza place employees!

Meanwhile, every month Express publishes a section titled “Ahead” which is a continuing education and career advancement guide. This month’s eight-page edition included this article that was previously published in The Washington Post, Express’ parent company. If you don’t want to click on the link, the story is about two Washington-based restaurants that owe more than $100,000 in unpaid taxes and wants its customers to pay the taxes through website donations. How exactly is this career advancement or continuing education? I don’t pay my taxes and we might close, but you can help us stay open by paying our bill. Um, no.

Please click here for all of your Express Fail needs.

* Unless you like the Washington Examiner more than Express.


  1. Also, why is "Baby Clearly on Way"? I think that's pretty insulting! And the blurb doesn't say anything about the insinuating headline :).

  2. The last page of the Express features a page of random celebrity stories like the Reynolds-Lively wedding announcement. They also include what they think are funny headlines like the one about a baby in this case. I actually thought this one was clever. Insulting, yes, but also clever.

  3. OK...clearly this newspaper didn't exist when I lived there. Guess it is not a very serious paper :).

  4. Express is designed to be a quick read during your Metro trip with fairly brief articles. One of today's headline on the final "Lookout" entertainment page is "She Can Become a Stripper and Not Change Her Name!" The story was about Levi Johnston's girlfriend having their baby named Breeze Beretta Johnston. I'll admit that the headline made me smile.
