Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11: 11 Years Later

While today is and should be a solemn day, today doesn’t seem particularly different than any other. I took my child to daycare this morning and didn’t even realize that it was 9/11 until I heard it on the radio. I planned on publishing a post today about another "Express Fail" but that seemed disrespectful. Of course, then I picked up today’s Express and the cover featured a picture of a MARC train with an introduction about how MARC train regulars treat rush hour like happy hour. The front page also included information about Robert Griffin III, the Chicago teachers’ strike and the question “Can you keep up with the world’s oldest yoga instructor?” Except for three events in the “Entertainment Lookout” section and a four-paragraph story about cancer types added to World Trade Center-related illnesses covered by health programs, the newspaper gave no indication that today is 9/11. There were a couple of police officers at a police dog at the Metro station, but that’s not abnormal.

With the exception of Ground Zero, the Pentagon, Shanksville and the family and friends who lost loved ones 11 years ago, has today really become just another day? I hope not.


  1. Sadly, it seems like it has ... to some. I just posted about this tonight, in response to the New York Times chosing not to run any coverage of the 9/11 anniversary on the front page of yesterday's page. The coverage from the ceremonies is buried on A24, with a photo caption on the front page.

    We're not too far removed from the 9/11 Anniversary Day Doorbuster Sales at Walmart.

  2. Melissa - I'm really surprised the NY Times didn't include anything about 9/11 on the front page. Sadly, I agree with your last sentence.
