Thursday, February 27, 2014

Post About Nothing

- My child waking up at 5:30, or about an hour earlier than normal, is not the ideal way to start the day. Of course, Ziggy had already started his morning "time to wake up, Sean" routine just a few minutes earlier, so maybe he was warning us.

- I have read exactly one book so far this year. Granted, I really enjoyed the book I read (The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared), but one book in two months is unacceptable. Therefore, does anyone have any suggestions on books to read?

- I've discovered that getting a massive headache combined with being nauseous resulting in only eating a piece of toast and a banana is a great way to lose a little weight in one day.

- Not counting walking up the Metro escalators, I don't remember the last time I did any type of formal exercising. Here we go, warm weather, here we go!

- Since March is only a couple of days away, I need to start my fantasy baseball preparation. For my auction league, how much should I bid on Brian Giles?

- I received an e-mail from the NFL with the subject "Steelers St. Patrick's Day Gear!" I wrote this last year, and I'm going to get on my soapbox about this again: Steelers fans wear black and gold, not green. Leave the green to the folks in Eastern Pennsylvania.

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