Thursday, February 07, 2013

Sonic To Northern Virginia Update

Remember in December when I shared my quest to bring Sonic to Northern Virginia? Thanks to your help, we received over 10 signatures (there are currently 11 signatures) on this petition! Based on these results, I contacted Lori Osley, the Sr. Director Franchise Sales & Credit at Sonic:

Dear Ms. Osley,

I am a big fan of Sonic, but don't understand why there are none in Fairfax County, Virginia, just outside Washington DC, home of over 1 million residents. I wrote more about this on my blog and also created a petition to hopefully make this happen. There are now 10 signatures to get Sonic here, and I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hopefully, this will help encourage Sonic to open in Northern Virginia.

Thank you for your time, and please let me know when you plan on opening in Northern Virginia.


Lori was gracious enough to reply:

What a nice compliment!

I currently have several existing and new franchisees looking at the market for development. Because of the cost and timeframe involved in developing the market it has produced some challenges. If you know of anyone who would be interested in becoming a franchisee, please share my information with them.

Hang in there; we will be there soon!

I think we can count this petition a success. Of course, Sonic isn't actually in Fairfax County yet, but that's just a minor detail.

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