Thursday, July 26, 2012

DC Area Casting Call

Have you always wanted a vacuum cleaner that you didn't buy from an infomercial? Have you ever wanted to use this vacuum as part of a web series?

If you are a neat-freak living in a world of clutter in the Washington DC area, you can get your house clean and receive a brand new Dyson vacuum! Here's the information:

A new web series for Discovery Channel is currently casting odd couples that love each other but just can’t stand living together due to the other’s standard for cleanliness (or lack thereof).

We’re looking for newly moved-in couples to participate in this wakeup call for their messy loved one. We’d love to hear from people who have just moved in within the last year.

But wait – there’s a catch! We’re keeping this top secret from your partner until the day our Clean-tervention arrives at your door ready to mop up. Part mock reality show, part practical joke don’t miss out on the opportunity to draw a line in the dirt and get your other half clean.

Participants will be rewarded for their time with a brand new Dyson vacuum cleaner as well as get their house sparkling clean!

In order to be considered:
- Please submit an email to, with the subject line “No more mess!”

- Include: Pictures of yourself, your messy other-half and some of the worst examples of their mess.

- Also include a written bio about why you just cant stand the mess any longer.

- Any video you may have that shows off your personality.

If you enter and get selected, please let me know since I'd love to hear your behind-the-scenes stories.

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