Thursday, July 18, 2024

Pittsburgh Trivia

In the earlier days of this blog, I regularly had Trivia Tuesday posts. They became less and less popular, so I stopped writing them. While I have no plans on bringing the Trivia Tuesday posts back, I thought I would try some old-school Pittsburgh trivia questions. Please leave your answers in the comment sections below.

1. Who was with Quinn in the morning?

2. Where does the place go crazy every 16 minutes?

3. Who said it would?

4. Fill in the blank: Don't say Olds, say ________ Olds.

5. What is the name of this sticker?

6. What is just minutes from the mall and on what street is this located?

7. What is Edgar Snyder's original phone number? (No area code necessary.)

8. What is Rusted Root's most-successful song?

9. Who is this?

10. What restaurant (probably best known for their roast beef sandwiches) had the slogan, "Fast Food with Style?"

Good luck! (There are no prizes, so please don't cheat. Even if there were prizes, still don't cheat.)


  1. This is sad, combined effort from me and my brother (who lived in Pittsburgh for many years! But not in the same era as you.).

    5. Mr. Yuk (they had this in DC too)
    8. Send Me On My Way

    Please eventually post the answers.

  2. Anonymous9:27 PM

    1. Banana
    2.the meadows
    4. bendick
    5.Mr Yuck
    6. Toys r us - McKnight
    7. 391-2101
    8. Send me on my way
    9. Paul Long

  3. Amy - Not sad at all. For most of these questions, you really have to have lived in Pittsburgh in the 80s and 90s.

    Anonymous - 8 of 10. #6 and #10 are incorrect. Nice job!

  4. Anonymous10:52 PM
