Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Dancing and Life

For many years, I've wanted to be part of a campaign and to be an influencer. I get occasional offers from companies to subtly or not-so-subtly include a link to a website in a post. Some are fine and I accept. Others seem a little sketchy, so I decline. These have always been one-time posts and are designed to feel organic though that's not always the case.

So this is very cool. For the first time, an organization picked me / Sean's Ramblings to be an influencer for their campaign. And that organization is Dancing and Life, which provides free and premium training and coaching to help you overcome crises and live your best life. I think we can agree that we can all use that right now. Dancing and Life teaches you the power of movement and dance to help you feel better. This is rather simplistic, but in my mind, when I hear It Takes Two by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock or Groove Is In the Heart by Dee-Lite, I want to dance, and I immediately feel better.

Obviously, Dancing and Life is much more than this. The first step is to take a 3-minute quiz about what inner strength will help you through a crisis. It sounds much more intimidating than it is. In case you're wondering, I am a strong inner healer. According to the quiz results, the traits that make me great in a crisis is that I'm relationship-oriented, empathetic, committed, selfless, and tolerant. This is right on the money. Famous people that are also strong inner healers include Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, William Shakespeare, and Taylor Swift. I also say how much Oprah, Taylor, and I have in common, and this proves it!

Then, join the free Dancing Through Crisis 7-Day Challenge led by Saje Flow. What an awesome name. By the way, Saje did a monster livestream to kick off this initiative on Monday. If you're interested, you can check out my appearance at the 9:52 mark. Not 9 minutes and 52 seconds. The 9 hour and 52 minute mark!

Saje has so much energy. I'm jealous of his flowing hair too. I might be getting off topic. Check out the videos on the 7-day challenge. This is all free. There is some premium content after this, which is completely optional. The website also has plenty of information and can answer any questions you may have.

Plus, Saje is doing a 30-day New Year New You Transformation. Please check out my Facebook page to see what this entails each day.

I think that's it. I'm doing this, and I'm being an influencer, so I hope that you've been influenced. 

Update 1/17: I mentioned this just briefly in this blog post, but I am posting a new challenge or message every day during the 30-day New Year New You Transformation on my Twitter and Facebook pages. For example, on Thursday, the challenge was to share your wish for the year. (I included that it should be something personal to you and not the end of COVID or a safe and peaceful inauguration since everyone wants there.) You can share it with everyone else on my or your social media or just keep it to yourself. 

Update 1/28: The day #18 challenge was to share a brief video of you "raising the roof" and proclaiming to the world one thing you've learned this week or that you achieved today. I guess I'll pick the what I achieved today option. I finished writing a blog post, finished something I needed to get done for work, helped my older kids with math, and participated in a dance challenge (more on this in a separate post). Plus, I get to include this gif.

Update 2/5: The day #26 challenge was to share a video of yourself looking into the mirror when you wake up in the morning, and saying, "Thank you and I love you." All I could think of was the picture of Alex Rodriguez about to kiss himself in the mirror. 

Update 2/7: One of the challenges is have "me time" by going somewhere into nature like a beach, park, or even your backyard and sit in silence for 5 minutes with your phone off. Then, you should write what came up for you. Unfortunately, this is one that I can't do. Just too much going on in my life. There is not any time for me time. 

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