Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Blame Donald Trump

There are times when I write about major events because I want to preserve my immediate thoughts about them for the future. This is one of those times. What happened today was a disgrace. It's disgusting. It was a terrorist attack on the Capitol and our country. It's an attempted coup. And this is all on Donald Trump.

So here's what happened over the last few months. The Presidential election took place on November 3rd, It was a close race, particularly in several battleground states. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and our country's terrible response to it, many people cast ballots early and/or by mail. Therefore, the results weren't completely tallied for days or weeks after polls closed. At the end, Joe Biden was elected President of the United States. Trump wasn't happy with the results and claimed that there was widespread fraud. 

Apparently, the same Democratic party who couldn't get a Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Merrick Garland in the Senate pulled off the greatest electoral steal in history. And in doing this incredible heist, they somehow lost House seats to Republicans and only won the Senate (based on the Vice Presidential tie-breaker) thanks to the two Georgia run-off elections just yesterday. (That was only yesterday!?!?) There were recounts and audits, but each of these close states that went to Biden certified the results.Trump and his allies filed 62 lawsuits about the alleged fraud and lost 61 of these cases. 

Every other politician in American history would have conceded at some point during this time. They would have done this for the sake of the country. Not Trump. No, he had to keep fighting despite losing at every turn. Trump encouraged his supporters to attend a rally in DC today and this is what he said at the rally:

"We're going to walk down, and I'll be there with you. You'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong."

Of course, he went back inside the White House because he would never want to spend time with "commoners." Meanwhile, his supporters tried to "take back" the country.

Hours after terrorists invaded the Capitol and with at least one person wounded (who ended up dying), Trump gave one of the most despicable performances in Presidential history. He told these terrorists that "We love you" and that "You're very special." This is the video. (Well, part of the video since the original got deleted.)

I'm getting more and more angry. Even after this video and saying that he wanted peace, Trump resisted calling the National Guard for assistance. He called NFL players who took a knee during the national anthem "sons of bitches," but apparently he's fine with the Capitol building being invaded for the first time since the War of 1812.

Look, nothing is going to happen to Trump. There's talk about invoking the 25th amendment or impeaching him, but his term ends in two weeks. He's out. He's not going away, but he's out of power. He didn't break any windows at the Capitol building or take over Nancy Pelosi's office,* so he won't get charged with anything. However, Trump is going to be busy once he leaves office. All of these lawsuits that have been on hold during his presidency, including the tax evasion one in New York, are going to start going through the judicial system. He's not going to win 61 of 62 cases.

* I haven't heard anyone mention this since it really is a lower priority at the moment, but how many classified documents and materials from Congressional offices and computers were viewed and taken by these terrorists? 

The first photo is a screenshot from live coverage by The Washington Post. The other photos are by Saul Loeb/Getty. His gallery is amazing.

I'm including two links from The Washington Post here and here that show a detailed account of this day.

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