Thursday, October 01, 2020

Pups Can't Save Grammar Mistakes

I have read many, many books to my kids over the last decade. There are ones that I enjoy reading like pretty much anything by Dr. Seuss and Eric Carle. Sandra Boynton books are easy reads that the kids like too. There are certainly books that I don't like as much and quietly groan or roll my eyes when one of my kids wants me to read it for the 4th or 5th time in a row. However, I think it's safe to say that Fire Truck Pup is in a class by itself.

On the surface, this seems like a fairly standard Paw Patrol book. Take the plot from a TV episode, put it in book form, and sell thousands to Paw Patrol fans across the country. While the story itself is fine, the grammar and punctuation in the book is appalling. While I know that I'm not the best writer and I make plenty of errors in my posts, I have not published a book. Presumably, this Paw Patrol book had an author, an editor, and a publisher to check these things. Apparently not! Let's take a look.

There should be a period after find Marshall instead of a comma. There should not be a comma after "He's late!"

To rescued? To rescued?

There should be a comma after bell, not a period. In addition, City Hall is capitalized on this page and is lower case on a different page.

This is where city hall is in lower case.

There should be a period, not a comma, after said the mayor. In addition, the quotation marks don't match around The Great Fire Pup.

I don't understand how all of these mistakes went unnoticed. It's sort of like James Caan before he meets Will Ferrell in Elf.

I contacted the company with its name and website on the book, and they were surprisingly receptive to my email. They thanked me for explaining the errors and indicated that they would forward this to the "Creative Team" to make the corrections. Apparently, I'm the first person to contact them on this.

This is probably the end of the story. I don't expect to hear anything more from the company, and I certainly have no plans on trying to find a revised printed copy of Fire Truck Pup anywhere. I guess I can add kids' book editor as part of my list of jobs!

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