Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday Video: A Reflection on Bird Collisions

Today's video post is a little different. Actually, it's a lot different. Instead of featuring a video of a song that I like, this post is an Eagle project to help prevent bird fatalities. As I watched this video, it occurred to me that we've never had any birds fly into our windows. I started to think that maybe the birds in my neighborhood are more intelligent than birds in other places. As it turns out, I may not be intelligent in this case. We have paned windows in our home which have been here since before we moved in. I think it's actually a requirement of our home owners association. Apparently, our HOA cares about bird safety! That and making sure you mulch your yard.

Some of the measures in the video below seem pretty easy. Enjoy!

For more information about this project, check out The Scouter Digest and the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia

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