Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Road To Freedom

Over the last few weeks, I've discovered some very cool online events and videos. I considered putting them all together in one post, but they really don't fit together. Last Friday, my friend Jason performed in "THE ROAD TO FREEDOM: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR & THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT." Here's a description of the show:

Join us for THE ROAD TO FREEDOM – From his first encounter with racism to his immortal speech delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. leads you through the experience of the Civil Rights Movement.

Apparently, this play was performed for several years at New York-area schools, so while this is geared more for kids, it is definitely appropriate and for adults. Except for his role in "Michael Clayton," I don't think I had seen Jason in a show, so I was excited for that aspect of the performance.

Both my soon-to-be fourth grader Pedro Tulo and I enjoyed the show. The hour-long event is available here on Facebook. It starts right around the 4:00-minute mark, so don't get freaked out if you press play and nothing happens for a few minutes.

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