Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Even More Notes From Home

Why do I have to repeatedly ask my 6 year old (Pedro Tulo) to put on his underwear? You would think that once would be enough, but I end up repeating this request 4-5 (or more) times!

My 2 year old (Luigi) can now open the refrigerator on his own. What could possibly go wrong?

I definitely need to figure out the mask thing or get new masks. I’ve gone to the grocery store 2-3 times over the last few weeks, and I learned that I can't wear glasses with the mask because they fog up. The masks are also a little tight and uncomfortable around my ears. Oh, I can’t talk very well with them on either. I guess they work, but a little comfort would be nice.

Speaking of masks, Vice President Mike Pence visited the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota on Tuesday and walked around the hospital without a mask. A HOSPITAL! I don't consider myself a germaphobe, but whenever I'm in a hospital or doctor's office, I use sanitizer on my hands every two minutes. And that was before the coronavirus.

There seem to be a lot of conspiracy theories about everything out there, so I'm sharing one of my own. Mike Pence knows that he's never going to get elected president, but he wants the job. So he visits a hospital without a mask in the hopes of contracting the coronavirus. Pence probably feels that he's in good shape, has no other medical conditions and is surrounded by some of the best doctors in the world. He'll be fine. However, Pence passes on the coronavirus to an older and not-as-in-shape Donald Trump, who becomes extremely ill (so that he can't govern) or passes away. In either case, look who becomes president. Already in the position and with what is going to be a mess of an election in November (hello voter suppression!), Pence gets re-elected president. Again, there is a 0.0001% that this is true, but why not have fun with a conspiracy theory?

My brother is the king of class-action lawsuits. No, he’s not a lawyer like Jimmy McGill / Saul Goodman against Sandpiper on Better Call Saul. He just follows class action lawsuit websites and adds his name when it applies to him. He’s also forwarded several lawsuits to me over the years. They usually don’t amount to much, but I recently received a check for $72.04 from an airbag settlement. Woo!

Finally, I'm sharing this link from The Washington Post for when I look back at my time at home in 10-15 years. The online learning for my kids in elementary school has gone, um, poorly. Fortunately, this week (knock on every California redwood tree) has gone well.

Photo by PBS / YouTube.

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