Friday, September 07, 2018

Happy Birthday Ziggy!

Our cat Ziggy turned 10 last month. He has been a major part of our lives (and this blog) since we adopted him in November 2008. Ziggy was there before kids. He started as the focus of our attention as a kitten, but now he's outnumbered significantly by our three kids. When we learned that we were expecting a third child, we bought a bunk bed for the older two. Ziggy may believe that this was a gift for him. The top bunk is one of his go to places, and he often sleeps next to The Moose or Pedro Tulo after they fall asleep. Ziggy is also extremely patient with a now one year old Luigi who absolutely adores him. Luigi will grab Ziggy's tail and fur, but Ziggy doesn't seem to mind. I think he likes the attention. He just tries to keep a respectable distance and prefers if I'm there to jump in if necessary.

I wrote about this a few years ago, but Ziggy still likes cuddling up with me at night. Not to brag, but I'm his favorite. Ziggy is a sweet cat, and I can't imagine our home without him. Happy Birthday Ziggy! To the pictures!

It really is his house. We just live there with him!

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