Friday, September 21, 2018

Breaking News: Cereal with Milk Is Good

To the likely horror of at least one of my sister-in-laws, I do not know the difference between Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Look, I know who Kim, Khloe, and (crap, I have to look it up) Kourtney (I knew that!) are, so isn't that enough? Earlier this week, Kylie Jenner made major news (seriously) from this tweet:

Look, I get that Jenner probably never goes grocery shopping and wouldn't know the cost of a gallon of milk, but how could she never know about milk on cereal? Did she never see the Rice Krispies commercials with Snap, Crackle, and Pop? I know this is before her time, but her dad was on the cover of a Wheaties box. There were none of those hanging around the house? No one in her house with so many siblings and step-siblings never had cereal and milk for breakfast? What are they eating for breakfast?

Anyway, this single tweet will probably do wonders for the cereal and dairy industries. Everything a Kardashian/Jenner seems to discuss or promote turns to gold. (Well, milk isn’t going to turn into gold, but you know what I mean.)

Actually, maybe I'm the trend-setter here. I've had cereal and milk nearly every day for decades now!

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