Friday, August 10, 2018

Metro's Brilliant Plan

People regularly and justifiably criticize Metro, but I think they deserve credit for once. The Unite the Right rally (the same group who protested in Charlottesville last year) is scheduled for Sunday. Like other events in DC with people coming from out of town, most people will take Metro to get downtown.

However, it just so happens that Metro begins a major construction project this weekend with two high-traffic stations (Farragut West and McPherson Square) closed on Saturday and Sunday. Another busy station (Metro Center) is only accessible via the Red Line. Service is going to be such a mess over the next two weeks, that Metro is telling people only to use them if you have no other options.

While it's going to be a major inconvenience for people like me who rely on Metro to get to work, maybe Metro is actually helping by making it more difficult for the Unite the Right folks to get to the rally. What a brilliant plan! Of course, Metro also floated the idea of having white supremacist-only cars to help prevent potential fights, so maybe not.

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