Thursday, July 19, 2018

Throwback Thursday

My brother recently found this picture from when I was 7 and he was 4.

Adorable! What's funny is that these are the current ages of my oldest two boys, The Moose and Pedro Tulo. Hmmm...maybe I should take a picture of them in this exact same pose. (Well, except that their haircuts look better than our haircuts!)

Oh, in case you're wondering, I tend to keep shirts for a long, long time. I can confirm that I no longer have the shirt in this 35+ year-old photo, though I do have a short-sleeve red polo shirt that fits an adult male. Since it appears that I'm still wearing similar clothes to those when I was 7, I guess I should try to find a Dr. Pepper T-shirt and 1979 City of Champions T-shirt.

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