Friday, July 07, 2017

Link Time

I haven't shared links in way too long, but it's a summer Friday, and I'm sure you're looking for something good to read. Actually, if you're here, you probably aren't looking for something good to read. Anyway, check out these excellent pieces:

* Josh reached a major milestone. His daughter is now 6 months old! [Josh's World]

* A really good piece about the reaction people had to the author's daughter cutting her hair short. I really don't understand people sometime. [Red Pen Mama]

* Val and his family took a Midwestern road trip. They went down the biggest slide I've ever seen! [Small Town Dad]

* I don't know much about lacrosse, but I'm guessing that a goalie scoring a goal from the other side of the field while the opposing goalie holds a water bottle doesn't happen very often.

* This is Nichole's life lately. She wrote about so much stuff, and sadly, my biggest takeaway is that she was able to spend less than $5 at Target. I don't know how that's possible. [The Mrs. Fisher]

* J.J. Hensley was asked to read in front of a crowd to promote his new book. I wonder if he considered reading something completely different, like Harry Potter or something by John Grisham to help sell a few copies. [Steel City Intrigue]

* An oral history on the 25th anniversary of A League of Their Own? Yes please. [ESPN]

* Emma G, who has performed at my Metro station, is going to be a star someday. She's got an amazing voice plays and writes her own music, which seems more and more rare these days. Check out this feature of her by Fox 5 DC. [Emma G Music on Facebook]

Enjoy your Friday and weekend!