Sunday, November 29, 2015

Pizza Bagels

We interrupt your Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend for a very important blog post.

Pizza bagels are delicious. When I was at camp, this was always our favorite meal. While I usually ate pizza bagels traditionally with the bagel, tomato sauce and melted cheese on top, as a kid, there were times when we used ketchup in place of tomato sauce. The result was still a delicious meal. Recently, I made myself a pizza bagel with ketchup and found that at least one person was shocked and a little disgusted by this creation. Therefore, I'm sharing this with the entire world today.

Have you ever used ketchup in place of tomato sauce on a pizza bagel? If so, do you agree that they are tasty? If not, would you consider trying it or are you adamantly against this?

(While you're here, please "Like" Sean's Ramblings on Facebook.)


  1. Gotta say... I love Pizza Bagels but can't do it with Ketchup. I can't stand ketchup. Gotta use a jar of pizza sauce!

  2. I've never met a pizza that I didn't like (almost), but I vote NO on ketchup, even on a pizza bagel. This kind of reminds me of when I was a kid. I ate peanut butter & jelly almost every day, but when we were out of peanut butter, Dad would substitute regular butter. He didn't think anything of it. But I thought it was absolutely terrible. Butter is no substitute for peanut butter. And ketchup is no substitute for pizza sauce.

  3. ...However, when I was a kid, in a moment of desperation (we must've been out of peanut butter), I made a ketchup sandwich.

  4. I usually cook mine with marinara and mozzarella cheese!

  5. I'm surprised that I seemed to offend so many people (particularly on Twitter) for having ketchup on a pizza bagel. Based on some comments, I may need to re-exam part of my youth! No one else had ketchup in place of tomato sauce on a pizza bagel before?
