Monday, March 02, 2015

Maroon 5's Sugar Sounds Like Michael Jackson's Beat It

I don't understand Maroon 5. I mean, I understand that they have a string of catchy pop hits, but they're as big as they are solely because of Adam Levine. Having a charismatic lead singer appear weekly on The Voice and get People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive does good things for a musical career. In my mind, Maroon 5 is Lifehouse without Adam Levine being Adam Levine. That's not a knock against Lifehouse either since I think their best songs are better than Maroon 5's best songs.

Anyway, I heard Maroon 5's latest song Sugar on the radio recently (yes, I still listen to the radio) and thought one part sounded a lot like Michael Jackson's Beat It. Apparently, Ben Schuller, as seen in this video below, agrees with me. Specifically, check out the part around the :23 second mark.

This isn't quite a Sam Smith-Tom Petty situation, and I'm not a lawyer or play one on the internet, but I think the Jackson family has a case to get some royalties here.


  1. Totally heard it right away.

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    After I saw that Sugar video the first time I had to go listen to Beat It, was driving me crazy. You are on the money about Lifehouse too

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    First thing i noticed was Michael Jackson's beat it. It also sounds like another hit. Just cant place it right now. The song definitely isn't an original.

  4. I knew it was familiar, but couldn't get there. Thank you.

  5. I knew it was familiar, but couldn't get there. Thank you.

  6. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Sounds like the New Radicals. Exactly. Am I the first to say that??

  7. The sugar also sounds similar to Dangerous in my opinion:

    The part [Take Away My Money, Throw Away My Time, You Can Call Me Honey] in Dangerous and the part [Yeah, you show me good loving, Make it alright, Need a little sweetness in my life] in Sugar.

  8. Anonymous11:51 PM

    @Xieming Li
    exactly what i was thinking.
    Was listening to dangerous today and was driven mad. I don't like Maroon 5. Not an original song at all. Typical modern music.
