Wednesday, September 17, 2014

C'mon CBS

I'm already unhappy with CBS for airing new episodes of the likely to be cancelled TV show Reckless on Saturday, September 13th meaning that I will not win the 2013-2014 Ted Marshall Open TV Death Pool. Now, it's the CBS Sports website that's upsetting me. My longtime fantasy/rotisserie baseball league (more on this in a few weeks) uses the CBS Sports website, which also shows player news and updates. Earlier this week, the website shared the following information about Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Vance "The Vanimal" Worley:

Notice anything odd about the picture? Sure Worley was a member of the Minnesota Twins in 2013, but he has pitched for the Pirates since June. It is now mid-September! Is it that difficult, CBS, to photoshop a Pirates hat in place of the Twins hat?

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