Monday, June 17, 2013

Random Questions

1. Have you ever had a person you've never met before ask you about your thoughts about the future? Sadly, this wasn't a "where do you see yourself in five years" conversation. This was an extremely random question posed to me by a shuttle bus driver. I had trouble understanding his English but he was completely serious and talked about how China was doing something though I'm not exactly sure what. Basically, I should be happy to live in the United States and not in China. Cuba also got mentioned but I'm not sure of the context. This was all a one-way conversation since I had no idea how to reply. I just wanted to get to my stop as quickly as possible especially since the guy had the air conditioning on too high.

Since this doesn't seem like enough for a blog post, here are two more questions for you.

2. For those of you that use Google Reader, have you found a good alternative? Sadly, Google Reader is going away on July 1st and I'm looking for replacement ideas.

3. When taking a shower or bath, what do you wash first?


  1. For question #2, I looked at a lot of alternatives and settled on The Old Reader ( It doesn't work great on mobile unfortunately, but on the desktop was the most Google Reader-esque for me.

  2. I've been using Feedly, though I find it to be a frustrating and unsatisfying alternative. People go on and on about how great it is, but it is not user friendly.

    Why oh why did they have to take away Google reader?

  3. No, never have. I'd expect that from an impaired person on the street but not a bus driver.

    I use Feedly. Still getting used to it but it seems okay. At least you can organize the various things you read into buckets (my term). That's handy.

    I go top to bottom. So, I wash my hair first.

  4. I've been trying out a few options and my favorite so far is also the old reader... it seems to best replicate google reader's functionality, although it still has a few big holes (only saving 30 days of history, less frequent updates for certain feeds)...

    thing is, google reader had such a substantial following that until recently, nobody ever really tried to put together an alternative, so a lot of the other options available right now are in various stages of active development... the old reader and hive are both relatively new projects launched when google made changes to reader's sharing functions and the digg reader that launches next week only saw development start after the cancellation notice... I'll certainly be looking at the digg reader and also newsblur, which has both free and paid service levels before I commit to any one platform... and even then, I expect to see continued development as these services scale up after google reader goes away...

  5. Thanks for all of your comments. I think I'll play around with both The Old Reader and Feedly and also check out Digg.

    Evil Twin - Thanks for being the only person to answer #3. I actually wash my hands first followed by my face. Hair is last.

  6. Sean, what hair?
