Monday, April 08, 2013

Links, Links & Links (2200)

Welcome to the 2200th post here at Sean's Ramblings. Not too shabby from my humble beginnings to where I am now (which is basically the same place).

Great profile of Andrew McCutchen. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette]

Read this article from my friend Rabbi Rachel Kobrin about gay marriage. Completely unrelated to this article, she is probably the only Rabbi I know that used to regularly watch The Ricki Lake Show. [Huffington Post]

Although I don't have the time, resources or access, I would love for Sean's Ramblings to be like the DC Sports Bog someday. Here are several recent highly entertaining posts:

- President Taft's great-grandson with the Washington Nationals Racing Taft. Your move Lincoln descendants. [DC Sports Bog]
- This guy won't shave until one of the four major DC sports teams wins a championship. [DC Sports Bog]
- An interview with Verne Lundquist & Bill Raftery. [DC Sports Bog]
- Racing President Teddy helps a guy propose at a Nats game. [You guessed it: DC Sports Bog]

I love this picture from Deadspin.

Congrats to Mr. Brame on getting published. [Mr. Brame's Blog]

I never get tired of Mister Rogers stories. [Uproxx via That's Church]

Uncovering myths from a police officer [Ngewo's World]

Finally, in memory of Roger Ebert, I really enjoyed him and Gene Siskel walking around a New Jersey neighborhood on Letterman.

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