Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Sean On Twitter

I'm going to let you in on a secret. I'm on Twitter. Not only do I follow people on Twitter, but people follow me. Apparently, over 300 people think I have something interesting to say. Of course, maybe they are just patiently waiting for another giveaway, the annual Pittsburgh Sports Blog Tournament or are not actual people. I still have no idea why U.S. House Speaker John Boehner follows me.

Actually, the real reason why people follow me on Twitter must be because of my quick wit and humor in 140 characters or less. Here are some of my favorite recent Tweets here for your reading pleasure:

You can always follow me on Twitter by clicking here.

Plus, on a somewhat related topic, check out Everybody Loves You for the always entertaining Week In Tweets. (Yes, I really, really want to make the Week In Tweets!)

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