Monday, July 02, 2012

Found In My Basement: Doyle Defeats Santorum

During the summer between my Junior and Senior years of college, I worked as an intern for Congressman Mike Doyle at one of his Western Pennsylvania offices. As a Politics major, this was a great opportunity for hands-on experience helping people at a Congressional office. Despite receiving exactly zero dollars for two months of work and dealing with several rather crazy constituents, I really enjoyed the experience. While there clearly seems to be no cooperation between the Republicans and Democrats in our Legislature today, I never got that sense at the District office. The people in Congressman Doyle’s office, and Congressman Doyle himself, truly were there to help people. I guess the politics were left to the DC staff.

Anyway, I want to stay away from the political side of the internship and focus on what may have been the most important aspect of the summer: softball and alcohol. The members of Congressman Doyle’s staff, including me, played in three softball games culminating in a battle against Senator Rick Santorum’s staff. We played the Turtle Creek Fire Department twice as practice and went out with them for food and drinks following each game. One of my athletic highlights came during these games, as I managed to get on base during nearly every plate appearance. I was (and still am) a rather small guy compared to the firemen, so they got a little frustrated always seeing me on base. I was David Eckstein before David Eckstein! Finally, we faced Senator Santorum’s staff and you can see the result here:

Yes, the picture is extremely fuzzy (this is a copy of a copy of a 15+ year-old article), but I like the caption below the picture. How did “ringer-filled” make the publication? In case you’re wondering, Senator Santorum did not participate in the game itself, so the game was simply between the two staffs. After the game, I visited Chiodo’s for my first and only time. (And it seems like I wrote about much of this several years ago.)

Please click here for more in the Found In My Basement series.

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