Friday, April 20, 2012

Space Shuttle Comes To Washington

Earlier this week, I wrote a review of the Kool and the Gang/Van Halen concert in DC that occurred several weeks ago. Therefore, even though the Space Shuttle flew over Washington on Tuesday, mentioning this now only three days later is not too bad, particularly since I’m thinking about writing a blog post next week dealing with something that took place 35 years ago. (How’s that for suspense?)

Anyway, if you missed this story, the Space Shuttle Discovery arrived at its new Smithsonian home after flying from Florida and all around the DC area on Tuesday. Here is a picture from near my office:

The Space Shuttle flying by your office is a nice way to start a Tuesday morning! If you want to see more amazing pictures including the Space Shuttle near the Washington Monument and Capitol Building, check out the photo galleries on Yahoo, The Washington Post and DCist.


  1. That's awesome. I've been a shuttle fanatic since I was about 5, and it's hard to believe that they're gone for good now. Here's my favorite picture of Atlantis:

  2. Thanks for sharing, Mr. Brame. It really was cool watching the Space Shuttle flying by last week and seeing all of pictures with the Space Shuttle and DC landmarks.
