Friday, February 24, 2012

Randomness (PSBT Update, Express Fail & Pasty Butt)

There’s a lot to discuss today, but I have to start with the Sweet 16 round of the 4th annual Best Pittsburgh Sports Tournament. Holy crap! First, there were nearly 1,500 votes in the Behind the Steel Curtain-The “Mc” Effect match-up. While there was some unusual voting patterns using the old software in previous years, this was a legitimate result. BTSC readers were out in full force while The “Mc” Effect got strong support from Waynesburg University. In addition, PSAMP defeated SteelerGurl by only 9 votes, Rum Bunter upset top-seeded Steelers Depot by only 21 votes, and Pitt Script shocked another #1 seed, Empty Netters. The Elite 8 round begins on Monday.

- After almost nine years and over 400 shows, the final Rizzo Sports Weekly show takes place on Tuesday, February 28th. I am honored to have appeared on several episodes, and best of luck to Rizzo in his future endeavors. I just hope that my appearances on the show didn’t cause him to “retire.” [Rizzo Sports]

- This story is about an effort to allow chickens in Arlington County, Virginia. I can’t get past this sentence, though:

Animal rights activists worry that owners can’t care for the high-maintenance birds, which can contract diseases like “pasty butt” and “fowl plague.”

Pasty butt? Pasty butt! I’m sure this is a serious disease, but pasty butt! Yes, I’m 12. [Washington Post]

- Pittsburgh has Anthrocon. DC has Katsucon [DCist]

- WTAE in Pittsburgh interviewed The “Mc” Effect about the “Mc” Effect [WTAE]

- Meanwhile, this may be the first time anyone ever interviewed me. [Behind the Steel Curtain]

- Finally, a brand new Express Fail! Did you know that The Rock was in movie The Pacifier? Neither did I. [Express]

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