Friday, February 04, 2011

Swaggin Tallit

A tallit is a Jewish prayer shawl worn during some services. This may be the greatest tallit I've ever seen. I shall call this the Terrible Tallit!

Although I've never met him, I consider Steve Braband my friend since we are both fellow Steelers fans with an internet presence. Of course, he's using his internet presence at ESPN asking Ike Taylor about SwagginU. Hopefully, my friend Steve will include me next time!

Find me another blog that combines Ike Taylor and a tallit in the same post!


  1. Very interesting!

  2. That's a very nice tallit!

  3. Nice Post!

    Recently, I have bought a tallit prayer shawl from an online store.

  4. Georgeous Tallit ! This weblog is great. I really like studying your articles.Keep up the good work! Thanks goodness for this post!
