Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Links & Videos

I would like to thank Christopher Columbus for having a day. Therefore, with no work or soccer games, today was the first day I’ve been able to sleep-in in at least a month. Ziggy had different ideas and twice decided to make sure I was awake. I’ve essentially been awake since 7:45.

I can’t take Washington Redskins kicker Graham Gano seriously. All I think of when I hear his name is, “Not gnews is good gnews with Gary Gnu.”

Check out this photo essay of 20 of the most-unique homes ever built like this one. [Matador Life]

Ngewo attended his first Penguins game. [Ngewo's World]

Angelo Spagnola didn’t have the best golfing experience with Andy Van Slyke. [Pittsburgh's Black and Gold]

I’m the only person linking to a post/video on Deadspin that has nothing to do with Brett Favre or The Cigar Guy. [Deadspin]

Finally, I'm not sure whether or not I'll attend Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity, but I'm a big fan of what they are doing...raising money for the non-profit Trust for the National Mall. The Mall really does get overused with not enough money going to restore part of this nation's famous places. [Washington Post]

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rally to Restore Sanity Location
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity


  1. my cats decided to do the same thing. apparently, the food that was still in their bowl was not the food they wanted this morning. only fresh friskies will do.

  2. The hummingbird started it. Thank god for slow-mo replay.
