Friday, December 01, 2006

The Light Where?

I'm on the mailing list for The Kennedy Center and recently received information about the musical "The Light in the Piazza," which won six 2005 Tony Awards. Maybe I should have heard of the musical before and I'm probably not the first person to say this, but my initial thought upon seeing the title was that Broadway did an entire musical about a light in San Diego Padres (and former Mets, Dodgers and briefly Marlins) catcher Mike Piazza! Is Piazza like the aliens in the movie "Cocoon" in which they have skin but are actually a giant light under the skin? Is this musical metaphor of a light that went off inside Mike Piazza's head? Does Mike Piazza have a cameo appearance? The baseball season has been over for a month a Spring Training is still a few months away, so he could probably do it.


honeykbee said...

I got the same mailing. Must have misread mine. I thought it was a low-cal Italian buffet gathering.

Sean said...

Mike Piazza can cook too?