Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Done (for now)

I have now partially completed my civic duty by participating in jury duty. Basically, I sat in the jury waiting room for approximately three hours before finally being called to a trial. After receiving instructions by the judge and, as a group, asked questions about our beliefs relating to the case, I was one of eight jurors out of twenty (not including alternates, I guess) told to leave. It may have been an interesting case since the defendant was accused of cocaine possession.

Anyway, I am done with jury duty for today. I'm actually going to go into work for a few hours. Next Monday evening, I must call the jury hotline to see if I'm needed to next Tuesday. Since I was not selected for a trial, I'm guessing that I will be called again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    A Rusty Nail really would of helped pass the time.
    1/3 Drambouie
    2/3 Jamisons
    Lime twist

    "I was always taller than Kim Ringers"
